2009年4月28日 星期二

a glimpse of UCSD

The highlight of this trip is visiting Son in San Diego. We enjoyed every moment talking and dining with him. Thank God he is much more mature and independent now.
這次美國之行的重中之重,就是到San Diego探望在UCSD念書的兒子.
除了到他住的宿舍了解他居住的環境如何 ,也與他的同學會餐以了解他的交友狀況,看他在ucsd 唸書順利,也比以前獨立成熟很多, 讓我們二老放心不少。

Place: UCSD
time: 4/23 2009Posted by Picasa

Bontanical Garden of St. Louis

This garden is one of the most beautiful gardens I have ever seen so far. I have been fascinated by its various beauty in different seasons. Greeny in spring, flourishing in summer, glorious in autumn.
Place: Botanical Garden in St Louis
time: 4/19 ,2009Posted by Picasa

2009年4月27日 星期一

mother in law passing away

Mother- in-law ended her 87 years life journey in St Louis on 4/9 2009. She made some marks in my life one way or another. I wrote down this event in memory of her.
place: St Louis
time: 4/18 2009Posted by Picasa

2009年4月4日 星期六


Nora and her husband (the coulpe on the right)stop over Taiwan on their way back to Boston. Nora is a good cook and she is very generous and hospitable. We enjoyed her cooking at her home for numerous times. We haven't seen each other for 20 years. This picture is very precious.
time: 4/4 ,2009
place:天廚 restaurant, Taipei