2009年11月26日 星期四


竹的家很難修復,所以我忙著找一間新房子,後來在網路發現一間建商自售的餘屋 , 11/22在議價後當天在建商半哄半騙下,簽下一張200多萬的預約金本票給建商 , 預約後4天 (11/26) 建商才在我一再敦促下將買賣契約fax到台北市給我,看了契約後有非常上當的感覺因為:
棄約內容完全是有利賣方,不利買方的不平等條約 , 而賣方完全無意讓步半分.
預約後才發現隔壁的每坪單價比我们便宜0.2萬 .

a disaster

We put the drenched pictures on our Taipei apt. floor to be air dried, which we rescued from our flooded home in Hsin Chu. People may ask how on earth this could happen ,for there had been no typhoon and heavy rain in the past few months. Here is how:
Our friend who is living in our apt went back to U.S leaving the toilet pipe leaking for five months. They sealed up the bathroom drain to keep mosquitoes coming up. The leaking water accumulated and overflowed all over my apt.
It made a disaster everywhere in my home. Even worse, our friend is now on a one month sight-seeing cruise. He can not come back to take care of the mess.

time: November, 2009
place: Taipei
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2009年11月10日 星期二

an old fashion restaurant

Bolero is the first western restaurant in Taipei where many young men propose to their sweethearts successfully. We went there out of curiosity why it can survive more than 70 years.
We ordered different dishes including their signature dish--curry beef rice. When it came up, I was like "what , Is this their famous dish ?"
Curry beef was served in a stainless steel lunch box, with rice and 肉鬆.
All their dishes taste very Taiwanese . A very unforgettable restaurant for me.

time: November,2009
place: Taipei