2010年3月30日 星期二



With HSR 台南 is not a distant place any more. The trip from Taipei to Tainan takes only one hour forty minutes by high speed train. The last time I visited Tainan was 34 years ago. So my memory about this city was out-dated and blurred.

Tainan is famous for its snacks and historical sites. one of the must-sees for visitors is 安平 and tree house in 安平.

The tree house was originally 台鹽's warehouse. Since 台鹽 abandoned this compound , the whole house has been occupied by banyan trees. They cling to and go through the wall, wrap around the ceiling , grow into every corner of the house. If going there at night , it must be pretty gruesome.

赤崁樓 served as 鄭成功's office when he governed Taiwan.

time: March, 2010
place: Tainan

2010年3月17日 星期三

a letter to dear son

Six year old in Japan
Dear Son: When you were in Taiwan, on one occasion we talked about how to live a happy life.
I said , my definition about happiness was very simple. As long as my loved ones are good and well and I have nothing to worry about, I count it as a happy day.

When I enjoy a delicious meal, a beautiful sunset, great music, a good walk, I would appreciate and count it as happiness.

So my dear son. Here are some tips I would like to share with you about how to live a happy life:
1 Making happiness your habit
It starts with what you think in your mind. Our thought affects our mood. Don’t do things that make you upset and unhappy. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about things or people that make you unhappy , you should get rid of it immediately.

2 Be sensitive and thankful to small joy and appreciate these small joys and funs.For example--- a good exercise, a good movie, a good time with friends.
Life is a journey. Enjoy the scenery along the way. Don't say I will do it when I reach the destination . Don't miss out the scenery all along the way.

3 Don’t do things that make you feel guilty.
4 live the moment and do your best.There is no point in always looking back the good old days or regretting about the past . Even if you stumble in life journey, be quick to let go of the failure, frustration and prepare yourself for something better that is coming to you soon.
5 Be a loving person
this is a higher level approach. Perhaps, it’s hard for you. To be honest, it’s hard for me too. But let’s try our best.

Hopefully, these tips are helpful for you.

2010年3月16日 星期二



鼻頭角公園在東北角國家風景區內,沿途風景令人驚喜不斷,山形優美海水深藍,又有各種不同的地形風貌可供觀賞,燈塔周圍的景色更是令人流連忘返,同行友人說帶著點心來此吃早餐或看夕照都是一大享受.我不是early bird所以吃早餐是不可能的,倒是那天可來此欣賞夕陽西下,順便去貢寮吃海鮮.
time: spring, 2010
place: Taipei