此次珠江三角洲之旅,是標準的自由行。機票、旅館都是上網訂購,主要是經由EZ Travel、Agoda 和Booking.com 三個網站。因為對旅程完全陌生,上路前只訂了三天旅館,以方便隨機應變跟改行程。結果十天的旅程都是約三十度的好天氣,所訂的旅館地點適中,搭乘的交通工具與規劃的相符,感謝神的祝福,一路順暢,增長許多見識,是豐收之旅。 article by DJshieh you tube by Sjlee time: 2015/10/22 place: 澳門
下午搭廣珠城際鐵路(還是和諧號)去珠海,由拱北進入澳們。 上次從羅湖進入中國,因為沒有經驗,很緊張地一大早就出發,現在駕輕就熟,中午才離開旅館,搭地鐵到廣州南站;南站新穎壯觀,宛如機場。 下午三點離開廣州,約一個鐘頭後到達珠海的拱北車站,在天黑前順利的完成出關及入境澳門的程序。 article by djshieh you tube by sjlee time: 2015/10/19 place:廣州
Today many young people in Taiwan prefer staying single. Even if getting married , they choose not to have any children. The common reasons are to enjoy more freedom and assume less responsibility and pressure.
To be honest , when i was young i had the same mentality as today's young people. But in recent years, i gradually realized that children are the best gifts from God.
Seeing them growing up gives us a lot of joys and happiness . Life becomes very meaningful and colorful.