I have been troubled by menopause syndrome for a couple of months. It's so severe that I experienced hot flash a dozen of times a day and frequent irregular heartbeat which I suspected also caused by Hormone deficiency.
I went to a prestigious hospital in Taipei. After hearing my description about my symptoms , the doctor said my irregular heartbeat was not related to my Hormone disorder and I should be checked by a cardiologist for my problem. But my instinct told me that he was wrong. He only gave me a hormone shot to ease my hot flash.
One day after the hormone shot , all my symptoms vanished in the air. It proves the doctor was wrong to say my irregular heartbeat was not caused by Hormone deficiency.
On the second visit to the doctor, I expressed my concern over HRT's (Hormone Replacement Treatment ) impact on my uterine fibroid . I am afraid hormone may stimulate the growth of uterine mass. The doctor assured me that Hormone had nothing to do with the growth of uterine fibroid.
On hearing his wrong statement, I decided I should not entrust my health and life to such a lousy doctor. It's a common sense among women that estrogen does stimulate the growth of lumps.
picture time: June, 2010
place: San Diego
2010年6月23日 星期三
change outfit for bloggers
A 設計新patterns
登入---設計---入範本設計工具----select a pattern and edit everything ---套用到網誌--返回blogger--設計--修改HTML--下載完整範本--儲存--(template xxxxxxx-blue)
repeat the above whole procedures for different patternsB 替blog換衣服
Time: June, 2010
place: San Diego
2010年6月16日 星期三

在試的同時我立即停止擦香港手藥膏,但才拉筋拍打了兩天,就看到臺灣中醫對此法大加攻擊,因此心中頗為猶豫, 但因拉筋兩天來 joints覺得好到不行,身體也無任何損傷,因此實在不願放棄,如今本人已試了五天, joints是愈來愈好 , 好到想爬山試一試膝蓋的功力,且香港手至今都不用擦藥, 毛病也沒有come back.
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