2010年10月22日 星期五


 you tube
十月中旬秋高氣爽 , 正是去旅遊的好季節.我們第一站是與廖醫師夫婦會合 , 同遊麒麟潭及溪頭 , 麒麟潭在凍頂烏龍茶的出產地-凍頂 , 麒麟潭從某一個角度看,有一點像是歐洲的鄉村風光,廖醫師用他的專業相機替我們拍下不少美景 .
溪頭的美,自是不在話下,媽媽以將近80的高齡,和我們這些中老年的子女,走將近6 公里的路,讓不少50多歲的人羨慕不已。
第二站我們前往十多年未去的日月潭 ,入住我抽獎抽中的五星級雲品溫泉飯店 , 雲品真不愧是五星級的飯店 ,入住以後,DJ Shieh共泡了三次溫泉 , 從 hotel看出窗外的view,簡直就是一幅活生生的山水畫 , 旅館下方有一條長長的環湖的boardwalk , 有一段竟然有漂浮的野薑花島放置水中 , 創意十足 . 黃昏時在此散步, 日月潭分外美分外香 , 就是這六星級的黃昏散步讓我明年還想再來 .


2010年10月10日 星期日

2010 國慶酒會

去年因水災的關係 , 國慶日沒有舉辦任何慶祝活動.
今年的國慶酒會如同前年一樣在台北賓館舉行 , 招待的賓客包括 : 外國駐台外交官 歸國華僑 及台灣的文武百官 , 因為賓客非常多 , 所以採用自助及food fair 的方式舉辦 , 在賓館內及花園中都擺設了各式各樣的美食 , 供賓客自己取用 .
我們匆匆的吃了些東西就前往洛陽停車場樓頂 , 去觀賞已停了四年的臺北國慶煙火秀 , 我們坐的四周都是 secret service , 因此不能隨意起身照相或錄影 , 因此照不到令自己滿意的煙火照片 , 令人有些遺憾 .

video time : October , 2010

2010年10月9日 星期六


十分風景區有青山 有碧綠的溪流 有吊橋 有瀑布 , 一下車就令人眼睛一亮 , 我們是自己開車去的 ,但其實坐火車會更悠閒 . (先坐往基隆的火車, 在瑞芳下車 , 轉乘平溪支線的火車在十分站下車. )
去十分瀑布可順便到天燈的故鄉平溪老街一遊 , 可說是一石二鳥之遊.
十分瀑布本身很不錯 , 氣勢磅礡 , 只可惜園主畫蛇添足 , 在園內放了不少俗氣的裝飾 , 令人氣結 .
video time : October , 2010
place : Taipei

2010年9月25日 星期六


feeding pigeons
Dear son :
你小時候說的童言童語十分可愛 , 有一些是我們一再回味永遠也不會忘記的 .
老師問你們說 : 誰願意來講一段誠實和不誠實的故事?

你自告奮勇的上台說 : 我爸爸最不誠實了, 我媽媽煮的菜最難吃 , 但是我爸爸每次都說謊說很好吃 .

老師聽了以後說 : 回家告訴你爸爸,以後講話要誠實,媽媽煮菜不好吃,就要誠實地說不好吃 .

2010年9月24日 星期五

An Angel from Halley Comet

Dear son:

最近我們家後陽台的對面,搬來了一戶新人家,每到下午,就可以聽到小孩可愛的串串笑聲 , 這讓我回想到你小時候,在放學回家後,總是跟在媽媽身邊說東說西 , 話說個不停,在幼稚班時,你問媽媽: 我是從哪裡來的 ? 媽媽想了一會,媽媽說 :你是坐哈雷彗星來的.

因為在你快出生的時候,剛好是哈雷彗星最接近地球的時候 , 我想那一定是,上帝帶了很多小天使坐在哈雷彗星上環遊宇宙,當他們經過台灣上空時,你在哈雷彗星上,看到了爸爸媽媽,你向上帝要求說,我可不可以做他們的小孩,因此上帝就把你留在新竹,你就變成了我們家的小天使了.

Dear son 我們真的感謝你,謝謝你選擇我們做你的爸爸媽媽 .


最近我在訓練我的新電腦 ,我用講的方式,電腦就打出我要講的內容,我發現這非常有趣,好像在訓練小狗一樣,經過了短暫的訓練,電腦真的就打出了我想講的內容,而且正確率是95%以上, 以後我的部落格,不用辛苦地打中文字,只要輕鬆的對電腦說說話,他就會乖乖地打出我要說的內容,真是太方便了。

2010年8月27日 星期五


Dear son:你常常在每週六的談話中問到一些很偉大的問題 , 上次你問我们人生的意義何在 ?

親愛的兒子 , 這困擾了哲學家幾千年的問題 , 可能是你父母不能提供你滿意答案的大問題之一, 以下是你媽的ㄧ些想法 提供你參考:
1 很多人都不去想或碰觸此問題 ,或是一直改變他人生意義的看法 , 直到中年他才有比較具體的答案 , 孔子說 : 五十而知天命, 或許人活到那時 , 看過許多人生風景後 , 終於瞭悟到他的人生意義應該是什麼 .

2 一個人的人生意義 , 不ㄧ定是要非常偉大的 , 例如德蕾莎修女,她一生在印度服務許多痲瘋病人和孤兒 , 真的非常偉大 ; 德蕾莎修女的人生意義 , 就是為窮人付出和服務 .
我们不一定要像她一樣 , 犧牲自己去服務那麼多人 , 我们若能關心周圍的朋友 家人 工作伙伴 , make a little difference in their life ( for example : 陪心情低落的朋友散個步或吃頓飯 ) , 那也是一種付出和服務 .
有人聲稱他的人生意義是追求愛情 ,That’s OK too . 不要因為自己的人生意義不夠偉大 , 因此而 feel bad about it . It's all about you .

所以 生意義就是-------它是一個上帝出給每一個人的填充題 .

你要填寫你自己的答案 , 沒有人可以給你標準答案 .
有關人生的許多疑問 (例如 :人生不公平的問題 , 人死後往何處去的問題 ,神存在的問題 , 宇宙奧秘的問題 -----) 跟你一樣 , 你媽也有很多whys , 年青時我曾經努力想過這些問題 , 但只有把自己弄得精疲力盡 仍不得其解 .
Dear Son , 這些都是屬於神的問題 , 應該由祂自己親自回答 , we should not try to figure out with our limited intelligence. Just leave those questions alone. When we see God face to face, all our questions will be answered .
很多事就是順其自然 , 接受現實, 對這些問題想一下就好 , 不要多想 , 想多了會像尼采一樣---發瘋了.

2010年8月8日 星期日


We Taiwanese indeed know how to enjoy life. People travel all over the island pursuing gourmet food. We celebrate not only our traditional holidays . We also celebrate western holidays . For example, we celebrate two Valentine's day, one in February (西洋情人節 ) the other one in lunar July (中國情人節).

This month will be a month full of fun. First comes Father's day, followed by Chinese Valentine's day, then our wedding anniversary at the end of August.

When I was newly wed, I always expected some romantic surprise from Shieh on Valentine's days or on our wedding anniversaries. After one disappointment after another, I finally realized it's impossible to expect any romantic surprise from a careless person.
It would be more practical to make fun and pleasure by yourself than to expect someone to give you fun and pleasure.

Now I stop play waiting and guessing game with Shieh. I will decide where and how to celebrate all the holidays and family events before they are approaching , and then tell him of my plan. He usually gladly accepts my ideas without objection.

Yesterday we celebrated father's day in a Karaoke store. We spent all afternoon singing and singing , just two of us. But I think the most heartwarming gift for Shieh is the phone call from our dear son in San Diego wishing him a happy father's day.

time: August , 2010
place: Taipei

2010年8月4日 星期三

甲蟲困境 ( 此文是 DJ Shieh 的大作)

我習慣在清晨到三樓的陽台看書,這陽台很小,寬度只夠放一張椅子。陽台的圍牆有一半是水泥,另一半是玻璃。 我喜歡坐在水泥牆這邊,透過玻璃牆往下望是一片小小的綠地,可看到椰子樹,長長的樹葉隨風飄逸,就在徐風中,享受著 " 看青山綠水吞吐雲煙,視乾坤之自在;任乳燕鳴鳩送迎時序,知物我之兩忘。”的閒情逸緻。

今天捧著一本天下雜誌:述說台灣面對環境永續與經濟發展的兩難,突然耳邊”唰”的一聲,接著是小小的撞擊聲,低頭一看,一隻甲蟲正四腳朝天費力的舞動六隻腳,掙扎地要翻轉身體。 原來是天上飛來甲蟲,穿過我的耳邊,撞上了玻璃牆,牆底有一小塊水泥平台,甲蟲就躺在這平台上,身體不斷的扭動,都沒能翻轉成功,最後翻落平台,總算歪打正著,僥幸得以翻身。 甲蟲高興地猛揮翅膀,騰空而起,碰的一聲,又撞到玻璃牆! 唉阿! 又是四腳朝天。
“這甲蟲怎麼這麼笨,明明另一邊比較寬闊,為甚麼會選錯邊?” 我想。
甲蟲約努力了十分鐘,終於敗部復活,翻轉過來。 只見它立即揮動翅膀,再度騰空而起,可惜碰的一聲,又是撞到玻璃牆,還是摔得四腳朝天。可憐的甲蟲!

“另一邊雖然寬闊,但是比較暗,玻璃牆這邊較亮,可能甲蟲天生的基因密碼引導它往亮的方向飛,亮的方向應該比較寬闊,蠻合理的假設,只是上帝植入基因密碼時應該還沒有玻璃吧?” 我的邏輯頭腦忍不住推理起來。


“甲蟲知道只要飛高一點就可以脫離困境嗎? 它的基因密碼有這條規則嗎? 它怎麼知道要飛多高? 還是只能不斷的嘗試。 萬一飛得再高也沒用呢? 它現在的心情如何? 是沮喪的想算了,還是仍然充滿鬥志永不放棄?” 我困惑著。

我幫甲蟲翻過身來,它實在太辛苦了,可惜我的仁慈只讓它又受一次挫折,我應該送佛送上西天,直接將它丟到牆外。 但是我的好奇心勝過慈悲心,我想知道上帝在想甚麼,難道上帝就只給甲蟲這一點點能耐,只能不斷地撞牆,坐困愁城嗎?

開始下雨了,天色轉暗。 我想上帝終於大發慈悲:天色一暗,甲蟲往亮的方向飛的基因密碼,極可能因氛圍的改變而引導它對的方向。 只是甲蟲似乎累了,不再即刻騰空而起。 雨越來越大,我離開了陽台。

台灣面對的環境永續與經濟發展的兩難,不知是否也是一片玻璃牆? 而我們智慧有限,只能不斷地撞牆!? 上帝給我們的基因密碼足以解此難題嗎? 還是周遭氛圍的改變會讓問題自然迎刃而解?

過了一個鐘頭,我又去看看甲蟲動靜。 甲蟲已怡然自得的安歇在水泥牆頂上,它是飛上去的嗎? 還是撞破頭後終於找到爬上去的路? 不得而知。 總之又是一片海闊天空。 我想起菜根譚的提醒: ” 看青山綠水吞吐雲煙,視乾坤之自在; 任乳燕鳴鳩送迎時序,知物我之兩忘” 。

place: Taoyuan

2010年8月2日 星期一

a tribute to a life fighter

Our life is not about what we say. It's about what God says.
May lost her tough battles to cancer. She passed away in LA last week.

Five years ago when I visited her at her home in LA shortly after she had her cancerous lung removed , she recounted all the major surgeries she went through in her previous life. She led an active and colorful life before 30 years old. After that, she spent most her time on bed and in hospital.

When she talked about the sufferings she went through , her voice was calm and peaceful as if talking about the story of somebody else.

She got in and out of hospital frequently in the past five years. Although terminally ill, she was still strong-willed and optimistic about beating off cancer. So a life fighter is a fitting tribute to her.

Now she finished the battle . All her pain and sufferings were gone. She will rest in God's mercy and peace for good.

time: August , 2010
place: Taipei

2010年7月29日 星期四


Time: July, 2010

2010年7月14日 星期三

the wedding

In Taiwan a wedding is more than a social gathering. It's a lively enjoyable show.
The day we received the wedding card I make up my mind I would not miss this wedding party which would be held in 維多利亞酒店. I wanted to see in person what the restaurant looked like .
Just as I expected the wedding was very romantic. The bride and the groom were ushered into the party by a hotly-dressed violinist. They elegantly walked down the aisle with melodious music. At this time quests along the aisle spread flower petals to the new couples to make the atmosphere more romantic.
Many restaurants will start the banquet with a fancy dinner-serving show. Most weddings serve 12 courses of dish in the banquet.
During the party , most brides will change dress at least twice and go table by table to accept blessings from well-wishers. When the party comes to an end, the couples will stand at the exit to say good by to all guests.
time: July, 2010
place: Taipei

2010年6月23日 星期三

an incompetent doctor

San Diego's trolley
I have been troubled by menopause syndrome for a couple of months. It's so severe that I experienced hot flash a dozen of times a day and frequent irregular heartbeat which I suspected also caused by Hormone deficiency.

I went to a prestigious hospital in Taipei. After hearing my description about my symptoms , the doctor said my irregular heartbeat was not related to my Hormone disorder and I should be checked by a cardiologist for my problem. But my instinct told me that he was wrong. He only gave me a hormone shot to ease my hot flash.

One day after the hormone shot , all my symptoms vanished in the air. It proves the doctor was wrong to say my irregular heartbeat was not caused by Hormone deficiency.

On the second visit to the doctor, I expressed my concern over HRT's (Hormone Replacement Treatment ) impact on my uterine fibroid . I am afraid hormone may stimulate the growth of uterine mass. The doctor assured me that Hormone had nothing to do with the growth of uterine fibroid.

On hearing his wrong statement, I decided I should not entrust my health and life to such a lousy doctor. It's a common sense among women that estrogen does stimulate the growth of lumps.

picture time: June, 2010
place: San Diego

change outfit for bloggers

兒子與cousins in San Diego
It is boring to see same old things all the time. I designed three different clothes for my blog and I may change clothes for my blog once in a while . Here is how to do it:
A 設計新patterns
登入---設計---入範本設計工具----select a pattern and edit everything ---套用到網誌--返回blogger--設計--修改HTML--下載完整範本--儲存--(template xxxxxxx-blue)
repeat the above whole procedures for different patterns
B 替blog換衣服

Time: June, 2010
place: San Diego

2010年6月16日 星期三



最近吃晚飯時看到于美人訪問大陸名醫蕭宏慈 ,于美人說他有八十歲,但在我看來蕭大師外表只有五六十歲,節目中他示範如何拉筋拍打,且聲稱此法可治百病.

隔天我google所有有關蕭大師的information 和網友對拍打拉筋的反應,我決定姑且一試,因為網友们說拉筋對knee pain非常有效,有人說它也可治過敏性鼻炎(allergic nose)及香港手,而這正是我们家人的毛病.

在試的同時我立即停止擦香港手藥膏,但才拉筋拍打了兩天,就看到臺灣中醫對此法大加攻擊,因此心中頗為猶豫, 但因拉筋兩天來 joints覺得好到不行,身體也無任何損傷,因此實在不願放棄,如今本人已試了五天, joints是愈來愈好 , 好到想爬山試一試膝蓋的功力,且香港手至今都不用擦藥, 毛病也沒有come back.


閱讀如何拉筋:1入蕭大師網站 click
蕭大師網站 2 在left column 處找到 分類 ,然後click 拉筋方法介紹 3 找最後一篇文章且click 人人可用的入門法 人人可用的入門法-拉筋

閱讀如何拍打: click
拍打手法 and click 拍打順序

觀看 --------- you tube 1
觀看拍打示範 you tube
you tube
you tube

2010年4月13日 星期二



身為臺灣人我覺得非常proud , 我們的風景區真的是精緻優美,廁所也算乾淨不像有些國家的廁所,那種千年之臭會令人disgusting 一輩子.
time: April, 2010
place: 野柳, Taipei

2010年4月5日 星期一

sister in Taipei

Terry was back in Taiwan. She divided her 10-day stay in Taiwan between Taipei and Hsin-Chu. Mostly she stayed in Hsin- chu to be with Mom. When she came to Taipei last week , Lee- mong came over from Toa- Yan to join us.

The weather was awful when they came, drizzling all day in Taipei. Therefore, we just had to change some of our outing plan: dropping the plan to 鼻頭角 Park , and instead to 士林官邸 and Yangmingshan.
Much to our disappointment, Yangmingshan was wet, cold, and very foggy. We could only drove through the 海芋花 area, and watched the flowers in the distance.

The video below recorded the beautiful memory Terry left in Taiwan.

time: April , 2010

2010年3月30日 星期二



With HSR 台南 is not a distant place any more. The trip from Taipei to Tainan takes only one hour forty minutes by high speed train. The last time I visited Tainan was 34 years ago. So my memory about this city was out-dated and blurred.

Tainan is famous for its snacks and historical sites. one of the must-sees for visitors is 安平 and tree house in 安平.

The tree house was originally 台鹽's warehouse. Since 台鹽 abandoned this compound , the whole house has been occupied by banyan trees. They cling to and go through the wall, wrap around the ceiling , grow into every corner of the house. If going there at night , it must be pretty gruesome.

赤崁樓 served as 鄭成功's office when he governed Taiwan.

time: March, 2010
place: Tainan

2010年3月17日 星期三

a letter to dear son

Six year old in Japan
Dear Son: When you were in Taiwan, on one occasion we talked about how to live a happy life.
I said , my definition about happiness was very simple. As long as my loved ones are good and well and I have nothing to worry about, I count it as a happy day.

When I enjoy a delicious meal, a beautiful sunset, great music, a good walk, I would appreciate and count it as happiness.

So my dear son. Here are some tips I would like to share with you about how to live a happy life:
1 Making happiness your habit
It starts with what you think in your mind. Our thought affects our mood. Don’t do things that make you upset and unhappy. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about things or people that make you unhappy , you should get rid of it immediately.

2 Be sensitive and thankful to small joy and appreciate these small joys and funs.For example--- a good exercise, a good movie, a good time with friends.
Life is a journey. Enjoy the scenery along the way. Don't say I will do it when I reach the destination . Don't miss out the scenery all along the way.

3 Don’t do things that make you feel guilty.
4 live the moment and do your best.There is no point in always looking back the good old days or regretting about the past . Even if you stumble in life journey, be quick to let go of the failure, frustration and prepare yourself for something better that is coming to you soon.
5 Be a loving person
this is a higher level approach. Perhaps, it’s hard for you. To be honest, it’s hard for me too. But let’s try our best.

Hopefully, these tips are helpful for you.

2010年3月16日 星期二



鼻頭角公園在東北角國家風景區內,沿途風景令人驚喜不斷,山形優美海水深藍,又有各種不同的地形風貌可供觀賞,燈塔周圍的景色更是令人流連忘返,同行友人說帶著點心來此吃早餐或看夕照都是一大享受.我不是early bird所以吃早餐是不可能的,倒是那天可來此欣賞夕陽西下,順便去貢寮吃海鮮.
time: spring, 2010
place: Taipei

2010年2月19日 星期五


Today I am very excited to discover that all my videos have come back to normal. They have been black for nearly two months . I posted questions on google's troubleshooting forum to bring attention from google's employees and tried some suggested fixes to fix my blog. They simply didn't work. Iam glad it comes back in order when I am thinking about abandoning thisblog.

Taipei has been raining everyday since Lunar new year days began . Luckily I can do something in my blog and surf on Internet.Without computer it would be very boring just staying home and watching TV

time: Spring , 2008
                                     place: the mall , Washington DC

2010年2月8日 星期一


Lin died of massive hemorrhage in the brain while having lunch in a restaurant. At first she complained of a terrible headache in the midst of dining with friends and her husband. Then she passed out and fell down onto the floor.
Before ambulance arrived, she had already passed away .
The news of her sudden death was too shocking for me and all her friends.I tossed and turned almost all that night thinking of her.

I attended her funeral in Hsin-Chu. The mourning hall was jam -packed with people who want to pay last tribute to her.

She was a happy and friendly person. Her death is a great loss to her whole family and her friends.I pray her soul will rest in a peaceful and safe place.

2010年1月27日 星期三

fixing my blog problems

this picture is a copyright free picture from stock . xchng
All videos in my blog went black suddenly. At first I though the problem was with google or due to the traffic jam in Internet and they would go back to normal in a couple of days. Six days passing by , they are still black. I started searching for solutions on google. The following is probably the best fix for my problem:
1 writing a new article , save it as a draft, and then post the article.
2 editing an old article, save it as a draft , and then repost it.


2010年1月21日 星期四


The earthquake news from Haiti is very terrifying. My sister forwarded an article about how to take refuge in a devastating earthquake . I entered the website from which this article came and found this useful video. Hopefully, we will never come to the time when we have to use it and prove the information it offers works.
please click here生命三角區影片 to watch this life-saving video.

time:January, 2010
place: Taipei

2010年1月17日 星期日


you tube
time: January , 2010
place: Taipei,Taiwan